Fly via stockxchng |
This is number two in our conversation starter posts. I've lived all over the place . One thing I've found that people love to discuss is bugs. I can't remember how it comes up people almost giddy talking about them. Well why wouldn't they we co-habitat with millions of them. I find in every part of the world there is a infamous bug to that region. When I lived in Tucson Arizona people would tell me stories of near misses with black widows . Which pretty much won't bother you if you don't bother them. I actually found one under the kitchen sink. I didn't freak out for it was a male. Who we re homed into the garden.( We thought he deserved a garden life before you know)
Black Widow via stockxchng |
If I had any fear of creepy crawly's they disappeared in Arizona just had to accept it . Even though I lived just outside of a big city. I found that especially during the monsoon I shared an eco-system in our home. There was of course those you'd escort outside. It wasn't uncommon to aid a distressed lizard who ended up in your dish water. Now back in Massachusetts my little bug hunter Bubba keeps the spider population under control. So if your at a dinner party or hanging out by the campfire this summer . You can wow your friends with you extensive knowledge of Entomology ( yeah I had to google it )
Entomology - is the zoological study of bugs .
I decided to omit the zombie ants from this post due to the fact. This would make the 3rd post featuring them. Duran Duran may have some competition. Since you all have emailed me about the bees they are going to get there very own post. So today I thought Id look at three bugs.
Sexy Bugs
This bug I'd like to talk about is a bit naughty. These Blister beetles call the Mohave desert home. When they are babies they have to travel across the hot sands to get to a nesting ground . Look at the alluring way these sassy bugs get a ride to there destination.
Giant Rainforest Mantis
Deemed the T-Rex of the bug world . The ones in my grams yard were allot smaller sweeter shall I say.
Migration of the Monarch Butterflies
I have to say this is one of those things on my bucket list. I would love to witness this in person. I might get the chance this November when Im in Tucson for the Day of the Dead. This is one of natures biggest mysteries. The largest bug migration in the world. Native American mythology says that if you capture a butterfly tell him your wish. When you set it free in thanks it will send your wish to the heavens.
Well I leave you with one fashion icon the roach. You laugh but they have been living jewelry ( yeah not crazy about that. ) Though this show is entirely inspired by this bug who we all know .
ummm yeah I know I know next post is makeup