Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Makeup Look Q and A ( part 2 )

Q: Will you do more era inspired makeup on the blog ?
A: Yes I will , I've enjoyed out last two . I was thinking 1950's  house wife
Well even though I'm going through an artistic crisis. I've read the email you all are not particularly happy with the turn the blog has taken. It was an experiment my dear beauties. I am working on a one eye shadow look for Friday's post. I have questions you have asked about my makeup looks. While I cook up some more let's take a look back. I won't post any youtubes this time. Though if any of you can suggest a great music plugin for blogger let me know.
One of my favorites Duran Duran inspired looks
Q:How long does it take to do a makeup post
A: With planning 2 days , off the cuff 2 hours
Q: How long did it take to face paint this look?
A: It took about 2 hours I live tweeted during it
I was just hours from the deadline .

Q: How come you don't smile
A: I am working on smiling I was trying
to be all serious and avante guard

Q: Do you use lip plumper ?
A: No I don't my lips have always been full.

Q: How do you remove glitter ?
A: Ponds Cold Cream works like a dream.

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