Friday, November 5, 2021

Listening to Duran Duran Under the Duvet


 Dearest Beauties it has been a hot minute since we were together, YouTubers do "vlogmas" so we will do blogmas. Our friends from Duran Duran dropped a new album last month. My thoughts will be in the next post, I hate writing music reviews. Hate is a strong word, perhaps I don't feel proficient in the music lexicon. Though for you my dearest friends, I'll battle through imposter syndrome to produce a review. I'm writing to you from under my duvet, hiding from the world. Wondering if the coffee in my kitchen could teleport its self to my nightstand. It's been a long week, I'm back in college finally finishing my degree. My Ulcerative Colitis is flaring it's nasty, to say the least. I'm working trying to keep afloat, and no one seems to understand that maybe I don't have time. The word "no" is never really well received.  It's time to pull off the Duvet and face the world. Well, that took a turn in a direction no one anticipated, one being me. I'll be listening to the album this weekend to give you my review. This is going to be a slice of happiness headed my way. Seems no one uses "blogger " except me.  Let's leave the duvet in our dust, there is a big beautiful world out there. 

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