So we are going to talk about this one loving yourself or being vain. My mom always told me learn to take a compliment. so my Freshman year of college when I left the painfully awkward high school years behind. I decided if someone gave me a compliment I would deprecate myself . So one morning getting ready for class my roommate said you have such pretty curly hair. I said " Why thank you , I love it too " She looked a little weird at me and we headed off to breakfast. I noticed she was a bit distanced that day so I asked her before we went to bed that night. What maybe Id done to piss her off . She said you just shocked me I thought you were so down to earth ? You were so conceited this morning. I was taken back for I was trying to take a compliment. I laughed and told her how my mom said to try really hard to take a compliment so it took allot to say that. We both laughed then I thought should I hate my hair ?
When is it okay to think your kinda cool. Are we supposed to not love ourselves. What is the difference between vanity and confidence ? I often think of this on a day where the stars align and I think I look cute is that vanity ? Everyone says love yourself yet when you do somehow your supposed to kinda toss in a dig about yourself. I empower women to love themselves. While balancing these thoughts in my head I came to one conclusion.
I don't think its vain to love yourself . I think its alright to like the way you look in a picture. Look in the bathroom mirror say lookin good. What I think is wrong is vanity as I would take as insecurity putting others down to make yourself look good. " Wish you could be me" type attitude. I chose not to hate the vain for out of everyone one they may need some love not there looks but the love of there hearts. So if you know a vain lady we all do . Look for other things then there appearance to compliment them on. You can't change everyone but a little bit of love goes a long way. Just remember loving yourself isn't conceited its healthy. When someone gives me a compliment now. I say thanks then counter with something I love about them. I try not to deprecate myself ( Its hard not to I'm so good at deprecation) When I started this blog I got tons of slack for posting so many pictures of myself. Though I knew that putting myself out there would give others courage to do the same.
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