Tuesday, May 28, 2013

This Girl is on Fire

Purse Cake my Auntie made me 

I sit in my kitchen looking at allot of chores to be done. Ive had a to myself days where you hope the phone doesn't ring . You aren't lonely your just a alone. Where you attend to the little things that a quiet day can get done. I walked to the store to grab a few things. It has been raining for two days. As I crossed the street the sun came out . I could feel the warmth on my skin and face. I stayed there for a moment to soak it in . Didn't know when it would come back. I watched allot of documentaries this weekend. My mind is wanted a challenge so I restored some purses and did some art work.

I dreamed of lying by the Mediterranean sea with salt drenched skin and hair sunning myself on a rock like a turtle. I've never been to the Mediterranean though I know it when I see it in pictures or movies before it is mentioned. I know it is  It’s the way its waters reflect off of the sun. Seems so calm and cleansing in a way.  There is a point to this blog . I always write a blog post for my birthday on my blog.
When I was a little girl I thought Id  end up being Sleeping  Beauty
I didn't know that fairy tales don't happen . No one will rescue you
You will have to rescue yourself.

I thought my life would change when the clock stoke midnight on New Years Eve. I thought it didn't though it did little did I know it .  I didn't wake up with everything in order. I woke up and watched the twilight zone marathon which seemed fitting. On the brink of depression and helplessness I found the strength to move forward. With the help of loving friends family and my man believing in me.
I realized the change I needed wasn't going to be an overnight venture to say the least. I was going to have to reinvent myself. I had to take a different path to finding a job. This sounds simple though the whole reinvention thing is overwhelming especially when you are on a tight deadline. Even though days were hard I would have to get up and take my classes to keep my skill set up to date to propel.

I thought that I would magically be adopted by a company. This wasn't going to happen I was going to have to go for it . There was no room for fear, insecurity, doubt . When your life is on the line these aren’t options. You quickly turn from the maybe I can attitude to I have to get it done. When you know what you want the goal is obtainable.

 I have received support and mentoring from a organization called Dress for Success. They helped me see myself in a new light. In my 38th year I move into it with a sense of acceptance and empowerment. I urge all women to foster a mentor attitude with each other. Im very blessed to have a radio show so many opportunities. Total Radio UK saw my talent and empowered me. Now I am armed with the confidence to work it in so many ways.  Most women think there value fades as they age. I actually think you get better it’s a beautiful thing to have a birthday. Even if I wasn't given one gift . I got one more year to be here and get it done. 


  1. So proud of you Tracey!!! xxx

  2. So proud of you Tracey!!! xxx

  3. What an inspiring post!! Happy birthday!! Life is hard and I feel like so many people (myself included) want to be handed everything on a silver platter. I'm definitely inspired to take matters in to my own hands now :)

  4. When I was in 3rd grade (I know this sounds sappy and homespun, but stay with me on this), we got to watch chickens hatch. One of the baby chickens was having a terrible time getting out of its shell. With a burgeoning sense of animal rights, 9 year-old Jon reached into the tank to help it. The nun swatted my hand away. "You inhuman bitch! The poor thing needs help!" I said (but not really as saying that would have gotten me killed.) "It needs to get out on its own. Otherwise its bones and muscles won't strengthen and it will get weak and die," she explained. I guess there's a lesson in that moment.
    No, there's no such thing as fairy tales. I'm likewise disappointed that I will never have super powers. You are absolutely correct in that ultimately only we can save ourselves. That's been scary to me on many occasions, but it's also freeing.
    But that doesn't mean you have to do it alone. There are lots of people who will help, you just need to ask. That has been a very hard lesson I've had to learn in the past year. You are the most talented and creative person I know. You will do something great because you are already doing things that are great.
    And in the end, you'll have something better than a fairy tale. It will be something real. Might be crazy and even a bit messy, but it will be real. And it will be yours because you made it.
