I have made lists in the past . I was talking to my friend Talia last night , I started to get in a negative rant . She tells me like it is and Im grateful. Make a list of thing that were good that happened to you today. So before bed I took out my pink composition book and wrote out a list . I decided to add some music to this for your listening pleasure. I'd like to thank her getting me out of the negative space . Even if things seem like they aren't going to get better they will . Stay positive my friends
- I found the perfect hat in my closet to cover my bed head , to go to a 8am breakfast with my aunties
- My favorite dish sponges were on sale today
- I got a phone call from a old dear friend I missed so much
- My tonsillitis is getting better
- I compiled and voiced my very first special on Total UK Radio today. My producer and I worked as a team the show was a success.
- I told a stranger good morning and she smiled like it made her morning
- I have friends that stand by me and care about me.
- In losing everything , I gained more then I ever could comprehend.
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