Tuesday, July 10, 2012

10 Minute Post : Good Morning

I sit here at ten minutes to 7 (est)  . Smelling the freshly brewed coffee coming from my kitchen. The outfit I layed out carefully is not looking so enticing .My after work check list is in my brain grocery , pharmacy . Clean the bathroom , make dinner. I gave gratitude for feeling good today. I hope the bus comes on time today. When you're late the day seems to be off . I have been thinking allot about synchronicity as of lately. Then you wonder if your thinking about it then maybe your seeing connections that aren't there. I have a bird that walks me to the bus stop in the morning . A little robin that hops aside of me for part of the way. I say good morning to him. He makes me smile in my brisk pace towards my destination. Do we ever truly know our destination in life. Well its been interesting to say the least . I think I may be too funny at times , some people say you can't be enlightened and funny. I find this to be untrue on so many levels. Maybe Im zen in a different way. With a little bit of sassy accented with hot pink. I often contemplate my love of music. How my heart at times dictates how I listen.   A fellow blogger suggest I do this you write for ten minutes then stop. I hope you all have a wonderful day . We have a fab post coming tonight .  I have no idea what I just wrote but this was interesting

1 comment:

  1. I might try this! Seems like a good way to get your mind working in the morning. Your little robin friend sounds cute! =)
