Harris III , Master Illusionist : Photo Courtesy of Harris III Taken by Allen Clark. (http://www. |
We love the unique projects here at Pop Trash Beauty.( I found out about this project via Julian Lennon's facebook page. ) Especially when there is an artist who believes so deeply in what they do. That they self fund the project making sure that the message stays true. Harris is a illusionist who travels performing his artistry around the world. He shows his audience through his skill as an illusionist, how easy it is to be deceived in this world. His show changes lives many leaving his show ask if there is a dvd copy of the show. They know someone in there life that could benefit from this message. Harris is an illusionist who tells the truth about lies. Let's take a look at the trailer for this powerful movie.
Here is an excerpt from the website explaining why they are doing this. I've also posted a video from Harris explaining the project. This is a great opportunity to be a part of this project. If you are unable to contribute money. They ask you to spread the word about the project.
" Almost 20 years ago now, my grandmother left a small box of magic tricks under the Christmas tree. At 9 years old, I could have never expected that simple gift to begin a journey that would take me literally, around the world, and eventually, to this moment." (via http://www.kickstarter.com )
If you want to help with this project here is the link too Kick Starter all the information is there including tiers of giving . http://www.kickstarter.com
You can also follow the project on Harris's website http://www.harrisiii.com/ and twitter account @HarrisIII
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