Monday, April 30, 2012

The Sassy Salem Snaps

If you follow me on twitter you know that I went to Salem Massachusetts for the weekend. Celebrating my cousin Megan's 30th birthday. Megan and I were two only children raises by single moms. We found sisters in each other which is a special bond. I have adopted several sister cousins over there years. Megan is my baby sister though. I am proud of the women she has grown into. Was over joyed to bring her into this milestone in her life . It was mentioned " Tracey don't put this on youtube" . So Tracey found harmless random arty photo's for you to enjoy. My blog sometimes scares my family and friends for the mere fact they might end up on it. When I took them I was thinking of Pop Trash Beauty also a little guyliner contingent inspired. I did a youtube from Salem Common . Which ties with our eyeshadow post. Yet I wanted to share this first . Was just allot of fun to play with my camera.

So proud I packed light 

Hawthorn Hotel the Bathroom 

My auntie made these Salem themed cakes 

 Me first thing in the morning without coffee

Yey for coffee 

Now roll those random snaps

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Makeup Look Q and A ( part 2 )

Q: Will you do more era inspired makeup on the blog ?
A: Yes I will , I've enjoyed out last two . I was thinking 1950's  house wife
Well even though I'm going through an artistic crisis. I've read the email you all are not particularly happy with the turn the blog has taken. It was an experiment my dear beauties. I am working on a one eye shadow look for Friday's post. I have questions you have asked about my makeup looks. While I cook up some more let's take a look back. I won't post any youtubes this time. Though if any of you can suggest a great music plugin for blogger let me know.
One of my favorites Duran Duran inspired looks
Q:How long does it take to do a makeup post
A: With planning 2 days , off the cuff 2 hours
Q: How long did it take to face paint this look?
A: It took about 2 hours I live tweeted during it
I was just hours from the deadline .

Q: How come you don't smile
A: I am working on smiling I was trying
to be all serious and avante guard

Q: Do you use lip plumper ?
A: No I don't my lips have always been full.

Q: How do you remove glitter ?
A: Ponds Cold Cream works like a dream.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Trash Talk : Bug Talk #2

fly 3
Fly  via stockxchng

This is number two in our conversation starter posts. I've lived all over the place . One thing I've found that people love to discuss is bugs. I can't remember how it comes up people almost giddy talking about them. Well why wouldn't  they we co-habitat with millions of them. I find in every part of the world there is a infamous bug to that region. When I lived in Tucson Arizona people would tell me stories of near misses with black widows . Which pretty much won't bother you if you don't bother them. I actually found one under the kitchen sink. I didn't freak out for it was a male. Who we re homed into the garden.( We thought he deserved a garden life before you know)
Black Widow Spider 2

Black Widow via stockxchng

If  I had any fear of creepy crawly's they disappeared in Arizona just had to accept it . Even though I lived just outside of a big city. I found that especially during the monsoon I shared an eco-system in our home. There was of course those you'd escort outside. It wasn't uncommon to aid a distressed lizard who ended up in your dish water. Now back in Massachusetts my little bug hunter Bubba keeps the spider population under control. So if your at a dinner party or hanging out by the campfire this summer . You can wow your friends with you extensive knowledge of Entomology ( yeah I had to google it )

Entomology - is the zoological study of bugs .

I decided to omit the zombie ants from this post due to the fact. This would make the 3rd post featuring them. Duran Duran may have some competition. Since you all have emailed me about the bees they are going to get there very own post. So today I thought Id look at three bugs.

Sexy Bugs
 This bug I'd like to talk about is a bit naughty. These Blister beetles call the Mohave desert home. When they are babies they have to travel across the hot sands to get to a nesting ground . Look at the alluring way these sassy bugs get a ride to there destination.

Giant Rainforest Mantis
Deemed the T-Rex of the bug world . The ones in my grams yard were allot smaller sweeter shall I say.

Migration of the Monarch Butterflies
 I have to say this is one of those things on my bucket list. I would love to witness this in person. I might get the chance this November when Im in Tucson for the Day of the Dead.  This is one of natures biggest mysteries. The largest bug migration in the world. Native American mythology says that if you capture a butterfly tell him your wish. When you set it free in thanks it will send your wish to the heavens.

Well  I leave you with one fashion icon the roach. You laugh but they have been living jewelry ( yeah not crazy about that. ) Though this show is entirely inspired by this bug who we all know .

Sunday, April 22, 2012

In Blogging Limbo

Vortex by Tracey Whitney circa 2004

I just don't know what too write about in all honesty. Yet I am a very creative person who has a unique view of the world. Though I dont truly know what to write about at this juncture. There is allot of material out there. When I decide to write something on this blog. It has to hit me on allot of levels. I know breast milk producing cows and Man Bra's you thinking. How many levels did they hit? If I end up thinking about them after then they make it. The post that I just wrote to post this evening doesn't seem right there is something missing. So I figure that I should just let it flow not put so much pressure on myself. My early mid-life crisis has brought with it a creative block. I'm 36 feeling like I'm growing up finally in a way.  I met with an artist friend on mine who says this is all part of the creative process. That I must be changing the outlet in which I express myself . Though part of me is eager the other half is well fighting it . I really tend to wonder if I have entered the ...

 Maybe I do need to be in another dimension perhaps . I looked into the mirror the other day trying to do a makeup look . It just wasn't jiving at all I ended up washing my face and going to bed. I know this happens to everyone who creates at one time or another. Can you even believe that I am blocking on the makeup front. What is that all about ? Though after coming off such a hot streak of Duran acknowledgement for the fashion post . Then  crafting the peep art , I though wow this lady is on fire then it all just died. Very strange I have to say( yes my family was freaked out by the peep art )  .  Well stick with me PTB faithful we will get it cooking again. I am excited about the conversation starter posts. We will be talking about bugs in the next installment of the 3 part series. I will say even if you dont like bugs people sure like talking about them. I will also tell you about efforts being taken to save the honey bees . ( we all know how I get carried away with my colony collapse activism) . So back to bugs everyone has had experience once you get the topic it going . Its  a sure thing . Here is a little interesting bit about Zombie ants . Lets call it a preview of sorts .This isn't the first time our friends the zombie ants have made an appearance here. They are an important part of our eco system. You'll find it interesting what people will say about bugs. The post will be fun with some facinating bug topics of discussion. Even bugs in fashion well yes of course.

Well with that I bid you goodnight . Its cold and rainy Im sipping on some tea . Getting ready to curl of with Bubba . Maybe I'll have a dream that will inspire me . There is plenty amazing things in this world to inspire me. This shall pass we hope right .

 “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Trash Talk : Pompeii Italy

A famous painting found in the recently discovered Villa Dei Misteri in Pompeii via Stock.xchng

Why am I doing a post on Pompeii ? Well actually this post was the result of a readers question. She asked me if I knew of any topics that were sure fire conversation starters.  I have three that never failed me . So I will share all of  them with you see if they work. I'm going to do this post in three parts.  I find most people have a common knowledge of these topics . I know we have been doing some different kinds of posts here lately. I'm trying to bust out of my comfort zone. Share more of my own inspiration. Don't worry I got a really quirky one coming soon . Id like to thank the reader for asking this question. It was interesting to do this post really very different .

"Pompeii was lost for nearly 1700 years before its accidental rediscovery in 1749. Since then, its excavation has provided an extraordinarily detailed insight into the life of a city during the Pax Romana. Today, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is one of the most popular tourist attractions of Italy, with approximately 2,500,000 visitors every year." ( via Wikipedia) 


Well especially now is Pompeii a great conversation starter. Archaeologists are finding new buildings and artifacts all the time. There is an exhibit touring the world right now. Displaying actual artifacts and casts of the stone people of Pompeii. I find that this topic is a really great way to shift the convo to crazy natural disasters of today. If you think about it a disaster of Pompeii proportions would it have the same numbers of casualties today. Then think about it would it ? It's a great way to get people talking and speculating. Most important its really interesting.  Just think talking about Pompeii you talk about class, sex , death, natural disaster almost like an episode of CSI AD 

 I've provided a youtube with the basics of Pompeii. If you already know the ways of Pompeii this has some new discoveries. I know it is 58 minutes just breeze through it at your leisure. The host is down to earth tells it like it is . This isn't stuffy at all . One of my favorite Pompeii documentaries.

Another slice of Pop Culture you may want to infuse in convo is the 1984 ABC movie adapted from the novel of the the same name . Honestly for the hair and makeup alone. I remember watching this when I was a kid . I miss the art of the mini series. I just love the opening music most of all its like you know something good is coming .

  I sent this post to a close friend who suggested dividing it up due to the duration of the video alone. So what geeky subject fascinates you ? Any sure fire conversation starters you'd like too suggest?

Dick Clark

Music is the soundtrack of your life.
Dick Clark

Monday, April 16, 2012

Music : The Beatles Awakening

A picture from last summers boho attempt 
I've always loved the Beatles as a music fan. I just never had my moment with them were the connection was made. Most music fans know of this moment I speak of . Where it all clicks the planets align . How many more metaphors can I use ? Sometimes we have music in our lives that we love . Is it strange that I didn't understand the pure magic of it? I think musically I've had this strange growing up phase. I've been trying over the past six years to really understand the music I love. I've been reading allot of books about genres I'm interested in.  I was trying to make the progression into checking out new artists as of recent. About a year ago I was finding some pretty good stuff I will admit. Well via John Ryan Gallagher aka @gallaghermeow  playlists this is one band he turned me on too Holy Ghost . See movement foward.

 I was listening to music on youtube which seems to be my favorite way to do so right now. I wanted to hear Eleanor Rigby for I felt like it was fitting to my early mid life crisis that is ensuing at this very moment . ( I can even admit that its a pathetic waste of time. Its a normal stage of development for cat ladies )  Then the disgrace, I missed a Beatles song completely it was a song they did in 1994 for the Anthology  . John Lennon had originally wrote the song it had not been released.  Free as a Bird was a song most Lennon fans knew of . They took an old mono cassette sent to them by Yoko Ono which Jeff Lind carefully extracted Lennon's vocals and Piano performance. They we able to stay true to Lennon also giving it that Beatles feel and sound. The late George Harrison said of it " Sounds like the way we sound now" ( Can we tell I was taking notes while watching the Beatles Anthology.)  I am in utter shock that I had never heard this song before. I can't stop listening to it . I liken it to my music binges of the past. Admit it you all have had them that song that just goes on repeat. I'm sure the music elite are ready to pelt me with stinky tomato's. ( Im sure for other parts of this blog included)   I deserve it for a person that claims to be a music fan should have this awakening in my 30's. I never said I was a good music fan as you elite musicaratti. When I write this I picture this guy with an ironic mustache , wearing a flannel shirt hurling organic tomatoes at me. I've been listening to the White album today loving every minute of it . I am loving that all there songs seem new to me for some reason. I still love my guyliner ( Duran Duran)  but of course. Yet sometimes you have to explore sometimes something old is new again.  You wanted more " real me " posts so here you go. So have you ever experienced a musical  awakening ?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Art : Amateur Observations of Life NYC

I have been asked to share my art with you. While I unearth some of my paintings for you. Ive been dabbling with taking pictures for the past couple of years. I use the word dabble strongly. These arent pro by any means just observations of life . Taking snippets of life in motion. I uploaded some of my New York pictures from last summer toYoutube. I'm working on a couple more . I am being encouraged to show you more of very own expression. Pure of any inspiration other than life.
I feel in love with this end of the city. Every twist and turn showed me an arty urban real life beauty. Only in NYC can you take a picture of frayed posters on a wall. People some how get it . While there I noticed I wasnt the only one. Even locals were documenting there coffee of the day. I must also add we were't the only ones taking pictures of our Pinkberry snack. I feel very quite when I walk the streets of NYC . I just want to absorb it all. We really did walk about ten miles a day. This was my first real trip to NYC as a tourist. I usually previously went there for a class , show , visit friends. Really never to do the tourist thing. A local told me I live here and never really go see everything. So this is a moment when we were hot and tired just needed to sit in the grass. In the shade of trees relaxing on a summer afternoon.

 I was so proud of myself for walking across the Brooklyn bridge for some reason. Its like a milestone in your life . I will tell you that in the middle of the bridge there is a gentalman who sells cans of sodas and bottled water for 4 dollars . He is brilliant for on the way across the bridge with my water in hand. I said " no freaking way four dollars" On the way back thirsty and hot. I gave in an purchased one. He ran out two waters after us. The smartest business man in NYC isn't on Wall Street he is in the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge. I didn't get a pic of him yet I thought it was worth a mention.

Friday, April 13, 2012

New Moon On Monday Co blog

This a New Moon on Monday Inspired look
I did over a year ago 

How to get the  I was thinking of the concept of everything isn't what it seems. I was inspired by the ring master in the video who speaks in french as Simon looks on. I wanted to give the look a french feel and also mime like.

In any two faced look you want to do double the amounts of makeup on one side of the face . Taking a piece of Cardboard to block out the half your not working on will help.  I went heavy on the eye makeup and red on the lip as if to be a mime. Everyone has two sides it isn't always written all over there face.

Duran Duran's hair of that era was indeed big . They have said in interviews allot of there early hair and makeup were taught to them by there girlfriends. Everything was bigger in the 80's . Here is a famous chart showing us the evolution of Duran Duran's hair . Thanks for coming over to Pop Trash Beauty from our friends at Strange Horizons . Proudly part of the order of the Bloggerati

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pop Culture : Duran Duran Mashup on Glee

 Duran Duran have hit another pop culture milestone. Tonight Hungry Like the Wolf and Rio were featured in a Glee Mash up. I am a gleek must say over joyed at the fact that they are finally being included in this show. Performed by Blaine and Cooper during tonight's Big Brother episode . I was dancing around my living room.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pop Culture : Bubba Attacks Peeptopia

I had to use this footage of Bubba inspecting the peeps in coachella. I promise on my velvet orchid lipstick that this is the last peep post till next year .Those of you who know how hard it is to get these days. So lets have a little fun. My cat has fan's who have watched him grow up via social media over the years. One year he received more Christmas cards then me. So this one is for all of Bubba's internet friends. It was an electric night all the peeps were rocking out to Duran Duran at Cochella . When in the Distance a large orange fur ball emerged . He transcended on the peeptopia striking fear in there marshmallow hearts.Even Duran Duran was powerless to escape Bubba's clutches .

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Peep Art : Peeps in the Heat of Coachella

Ana Peeptronic

I embarked on peep art adventure . Well this has been truly a learning process. I painted all the peeps a couple of weeks ago. They cracked looking zombie like which maybe good for another art project. So Easter eve I was up making hat masks , scarf, trainers , for little marshmallow bunnies. I vlogged my process the good bad and the ugly. Id like to apologize to Roger Taylor for his peep really was hard to craft. Here is the finished product and the performance that inspired me.
I really somehow sound like a weird disc jockey from the 80's on these VLOG

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Well you all have asked me to you tube more often. You're wish is my command in a strange way I feel like we are all in this together. I'm tired want to sleep yet I will not rest till this is complete. How very dramatic of me to go on about this . Well I probably should share that anything went wrong during this process. I think its more fun to share .

Monday, April 2, 2012

What in Your Purse ????

Do you have a purse hoarding addiction like me ? So spill it whats in your purse darlings ?

This song is in memory of @DDStolenLeopard a very loved member of our Duranie family. You brought laughter to us all. I want to see Leopard go to # 1 just for you xoxo Special thanks to the Daily Duranie for informing us of Sandy's passing.