Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Life Changing Summer

Tonight I was feeling very nostalgic about summers past. There was this one summer before I started college. Where I hung out with a new group of people. It was a magical summer it was one where I knew life was changing. We all had summer jobs came from different walks of life. Yet somehow the summer brought us all together. It was my first summer as an adult with no curfew. After work finding places to play volley ball or swinging on old playground swings laughing. Then congregating at a local Dunkin Donuts to see where the parties were that evening. Even cruising downtown to find all your friends. ( before cellphones were in the masses )  What I remember was just this excitement of things to come and just being truly happy. This was in 1994 so way back in the day. Of course all of us grew up went our separate ways from that summer. Though sometimes I think of those times it makes me really happy. 

Even though this summer has been challenging it has been a happy one. Even though I am older and know more of the world. I am in eager anticipation of what may be around the corner. The feelings of fear and anxiety are making way for new ones. Do I know what lies ahead ?  I really don't yet,  I know in my heart that it will indeed be good. Just like when I was preparing to go to school in Boston back in the 90's . That same drive and determination is strong in me once again. Laying down the ground work for a self sustaining future. I've been going to farmers markets enjoying the atmosphere, people, sights and smells. Meeting interesting folks such as Alpacha farmers. Even an 80 year old women who grows the most enormous beefsteak tomatoes, I've ever seen. She says " They don't always look pretty when the food comes from the ground , yet they will keep you alive" .  Mainly I've been taking more time to smell the flowers in between classes and meetings. Sometimes you don't get to do this in life so its been nice. This may be a bit boring for some of you. Yet maybe some of you can relate. Metamorphosis can be a cool adventure, even better when your chrysalis is starting to crack. You know in the paths of uncertainty you are indeed on track.


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