Wednesday, July 25, 2012

10 minute Blog Post : Coffee

"If I asked for a cup of coffee, someone would search for the double meaning."
~Mae West

When I was a little girl the first smell in the morning was coffee. I love the smell of coffee even before it became my morning beverage. Watching my mom have her friends over for coffee was my favorite as a child they brought cookies. Would gab about things they would laugh. Though Id be sent out to play as it got interesting. When I was 17 I went to Seattle my cousins were already coffee snobs. They took me for my first Starbucks. I had to order in a different language which made me laugh. In a summer where I was introduced to so much. Manic panic hair dye, Seattle Sound , Art , Birkenstock with socks. When I flew home I had to get an espresso maker for it wasn't available in my town. As it was in seattle where even in Burger King you could get a cappucino. Well in my family when your coming over to visit we put the coffee on. I have been making allot of changes in my life. This is very scary yet exciting in the aspect that it is all new. I am sharing my artistc side with family and friends which is always a risk. Yet I think it is a comfort . Well as I sip my coffee get my day started . I hope that I can make the best of the day. Well that was another off the cuff 10 minute post. Its strange what comes out when you have no idea what your going to write about. Have a good day !

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post about one of my FAVORITE things! Coffee and conversations with "the girls".

    Happy weekend, Beauty!


