Sunday, November 11, 2012

Meeting the Perfect Hat

While Im working on the Tucson Leg of my journey for you lets talk about hats. I was told I had no head for hats. It just seemed over the past 5 years I've embraced the hat again. So he is a look at my choices in hats over the years and some tips in chosing your very own. When people tell me there not a hat person , I simply reply you just haven't meet the right hat yet .
This was just for an avant makeup venture . fun feather hat
it was fun till my cat Bubba hunted it 

Shopping for a Hat :  I always compare finding a hat is
like meeting your mate. You never plan it just happens
You just know its a good fit 

When you go to the shop try all the different hats on
even ones you just think won't work . Look at yourself in the mirror
If you recoil put the hat back but if you find yourself smiling and posing with it
thats the one !

Here are some tips from the Wallaroo Hat Company 
  • Try on several colors and select one that you like and that flatters your skin tone. It's a quick and easy way to brighten your face without wearing makeup.
  • Select a crown shape that complements the shape of your face and head. Rounded crowns work for almost any face, while square crowns work better for larger heads.
  • When trying on hats, be sure to position the hat in the center of your head, covering half of your forehead. One common mistake women make is wearing their hat too far back on the crown of their head.
  • Are you searching for a new look? Hats are a fun way to change or enhance your personal style. Consider your lifestyle and everyday activities when choosing a hat or two to add to your everyday wardrobe.  ( via Wallaroo Hat company ) 

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