Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Random Life Post : I'm Weird

We haven't done a random life post in a while . I have no idea what my issue is but I've become a bit disconnected from the main stream. In a role as a pop culture expert this isn't good. I used to be amused for the past month I have had to be forced to watch network television. I've been reading trade mags for the radio station , art magazines, Onion , Huffinton Post , Nova  I haven't had much interest in the mainstream seems that part of my brain decided it needed a break. I have become twitter resistant don't want to log in don't want to tweet . Its like my tweeting mojo has also died . I consult people on social media at times so this is strange. What in the world is happening. I guess after the Jesus Toaster article it may have been a bit too much. Though I must announce at 37 I finally am rocking my style . I think being smaller is giving me more options . Though I think the confidence is more of what is giving me the options. While I was away I was able to kinda reflect on allot of stuff on the plans , trains and automobiles .  Did I discover anything well yes I did that the hard work has only but started. The pushing myself will only get more enduring. I am trying to take everything I've acquired and assemble a person to market for employment. So many times I see my ideas stolen from this blog and other places and wonder if you not paid me. I could give you exponentially more ideas and strategies. Perhaps a tiny shout out to acknowledge me so I could add it to my resume.I could get bitter but won't been there done that , the tshirt cost too much. This has sometimes lead me to not want to share but then that would be stupid to be honest. Trust that if I keep working hard it will speak for its self there for ending up that someone will adopt me onto there team. I will continue to put myself out there at all costs . Where the path is leading is in a good direction. Im weird not like my contemporaries in the least but its kinda been a saving grace. In some aspects I crave conformity in a way. Though I know that Id be looking out a window from a life that was expected and wonder what if ? So Im tackling the what if factor in so many ways. I now know what the term starving artist is truly. Had a vacation that was a gift now I sit eating my 59 cent mac n cheese. Well embracing the change and flowing with it trying to not loose myself in it to stay true and positive . Never give up ! Next post : Day of the Dead


  1. Thanks for posting this,i know what you mean i'm not in the main stream but i feel main stream when i'm online sharing thoughts and you :)

    1. Hi Peter
      Longtime no talk seeing I've been off the twit x Its a weird paradox

  2. Mainstream=painstream. I am afraid of the news right now, I feel redundant posting to "the choir" about creating change, and I feel removed from the coming holly-daze. I think being aware causes more internal pain--the whole ignorance is bliss saying--true.

    Keep fighting the good fight. Keep pursuing your passions. A quote from Zappa:"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible."

    1. You're right ! Its true sometimes you got to disconnect to reconnect !
