Thursday, May 3, 2012

Random Life Posts : Making Lists

We have some new readers so a random life post is when I talk about my life in between posts . Im working on "cracking the eye shadow code "  Which I totally screwed the youtube up. So since my temp assignment is ending Friday. I'll have time to tape another . My trip to Salem recharged me in so many ways. I learned allot about myself. I guess when your single looking for love. You have to do the work. If you don't love yourself , who will ? This seemed to be a reoccurring theme of my weekend. So I decided to put self deprecation aside give it a whirl. Strange enough doing this has made me happy in so many ways. I've been in a good mood even things like my fridge dying and temp assignment ending hasnt really sent me in a tail spin. So I decided to count my blessings everyday. I've been making lists on my kitchen wipe board .

  • My refrigerator  died yet I cooked up the Pacific Northwest Salmon in the nick of time. I missed going grocery shopping so other than a gallon of Almond milk . I will survive . My apartment supervisor cant get a guy over till Monday. Normally Id be a bit shall we say pissy about this . Yet it will work out.
  • My temp assignment ended early. So this means I have time to work on my resume and get a job in a stable industry of business. 
  • I have lost 46 pounds over the past year . 
  • I can plank for 14 sec 
  • I love my big eyes and elf ears 
  • Duran Duran is opening the Olympics
  •  My cat loves me no matter what
  • My niece said my hair is pretty like Belle from the Beauty and the Beast ( she is tough at 4 years old) 
  • I have a very unique blog I love it to bits and pieces
  • I found an organization who cares about colony collapse are making great strides in ending it .
So this is just a mere example of what I write daily . It helps me out allot in those moments when I curl up in a negative attitude. Which frankly will get you nowhere fast . I've rediscovered Julian Lennon's music which is amazing . I really have to detox off his facebook page. He has a picture with a man scarf that's all I'm saying .  So I leave you with a song off his new album. Also check out The The White Feather Foundation and the amazing they do around the world . They even help the bees. He also has a very sleek website. Easy to navigate seriously its awesome.
Oh Duran Duran its okay I still love you bunches.

I've been singing this song for about a week now . Check it out !


  1. T Dubs
    This is all very nice ! You are a wonderful women though this artist crisis thingy is killing us. Make peace with the makeup brushes.I think we all want to see some creative makeup. Do it ! You have it inside of you.

    love you

  2. Tara
    Yes its on the way . You are a trip:)
