Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother Mother


Happy Mothers Day to all the PopTrash Beauty Mama's

This song was popular when I was first out on my own.  I remember listening to it thinking it fit our phone calls perfectly. " No I'm fine mom " When you'd really want to say Mom the real world sucks . I'm broke eating Ramen . I didn't know a luxury was buying gum and a vogue at the same time. Toilet paper is a good substitute for coffee filters. I love you mom . Thanks for loving me no matter what . I know sometimes you wish you got the "normal " daughter that married at 25 then proceeded to have kids. Instead you got a arty crazy women with a cat. Yet you love that about me. You don't get the Duran Duran thing but you try too. Thank you for letting me be me. Thank you for everything you do . I love you Mum xo


  1. oh my goodness! I haven't heard this song in AGES!!! This is a sweet post :)

  2. we're always saying that we're all right, we can do it alone (yeah right) since we learn to speak and waddle around ..
