Friday, April 15, 2011

Night Bra that Fights Wrinkles

opps almost forgot my night bra !

A former real estate agent Racheal De boer invented a bra . That will fight wrinkles after years of wearing her own DYI version of the bra. She decided after talking to some of her gal pals that also suffered from wrinkles and sagging she encountered. From this was born the La Decollette. Here is is a excerpt from a recent article about the La Decollette ( Im so getting one of these )

She said that for years she secretly slept in an old bra to which she had sewn stuffed socks that nestled between her breasts, keeping them apart so vertical lines did not develop and her decolletage remained youthfully smooth.

“It started out as my secret, I didn’t want to talk about my wrinkles or the first bra I made, which was ugly,” she said. ( read nore here )

Here is more imformation about how you can get your very own wrinkle fighting bra .


  1. Really omg that's all ...

    I keep trying to have words and I have NO WORDS!!


  2. LMAO I want one !! I would love to see pics of the proto type

  3. I will never need this cuz I'm missing 2 important factors..hehehe

  4. I must figure out how to make one of my own it one of the latest things I've noticed since i like to sleep on my side!
