Saturday, July 12, 2014

Living through Failure

Waking up in the morning looking in the mirror , I wonder who this is that is standing there ? I recognize the face though it looks so much more tired. Everyday is a fight a push to hit a road block. Hopeful paths leading to dead end streets. Strands of Grey hair have brushed across my face that weren't there before. Does the world not want me anymore? Why can't I move forward ? My tires are spinning going nowhere. I've not given up for I know it is worse for others. There are some who are financially abundant that feel as empty as I do at this moment. My brown eyes don't sparkle like they used too . Dark circles are under my eyes as to mark the fatigue that happens when you have to fight everyday. My soul sister best friend they said we were like twins. When she died a part of me did too. Where did it go ? Where did I go in this time that has passed. If I get it back may I have my life back too. Worry solves nothing and fear only makes everything worse. When you have to be brave all the time in the midst of doubt. You know people have given up on you. Often wonder why when you have fallen did they not offer there hand to help you up. Instead they watch you struggle to get back on your feet. A hand up will keep you up, hand out will keep you down. When this little self involved little pitty party has come to it conclusion. You realize you still got the fight, drive and strength to fight this day. There are plenty of people to offer you a hand up. Just to busy looking at the ground to see them. Above you a sun that shines bright with a light that warms you. Even at the moment that you just think life has lost all its love and mystery. You feel the warm sun on your face know that failing is courageous, not fighting is cowardice.  Never give up ! Even if your tired live in the light. The doors will open the path will have a destination. Though you must show up to embrace it . Just keep going . I will ! Let's do this !!

1 comment:

  1. We will do this together!! Love Ya! xo
