Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Flapper Girl Look of the Day ( be warned there is sparkles)

Well yes my computer is back in the shop. So blogging on the iPod again . I think these gowns make me wanna get all cute and girly. I'm little more funky cat lady chic then girly. Though I've been getting a bit girly lately. Who knows when this comes out in a lady. There is kinda a debate that smart girls aren't girly ? I know allot of smart women who are girly indeed. What I think is wonderful about women of this era. Is we can change a flat tire while wearing a cute pair of heels. Talk about ecological issues then Parle the conversation into about a really great sale at our fave store. I think it's all balance to be honest . You can love all the frilly stuff still be smart. Feminist can be feminine suffragettes were known to wear red lipstick as a show rebellion. Men dictated women's fashion for a long time this is when the ladies said we are cutting our hair. Even wearing trousers at this time. It was steps in the directions of the freedoms we enjoy today. Having a voice that is heard being one of them. We will talk more about women's rights . We sure have come a long way but we aren't done yet . 

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