Sunday, July 8, 2012

Art : Coffee with Man Ray ( Dada)

I was on a facebook page that seems to give me the best ideas for blog posts ( Julian Lennon's ) . I was talking to some fellow Lennon fans about the film A Midnight in Paris got me thinking of Dada. We were talking about if you could time travel. What time would you go to ? I would go hang out with the Dadist for certain. You were thinking Warhol's factory right. If your not familiar with the Dadist movement we will take a little look at them. Like I said I'm your friendly neighborhood art pusher. Though Dada started in Zurich we will be time traveling to 1920's Paris. We will be meeting Man Ray for coffee he was a major contributor to the Dada movement. Dada was born from artists disgust with World War I. Dada is not what some would say is pretty art though it's evolution gave birth to Surrealism even Pop Art. So without further adue won't you come with me to 1920's Paris. 

What is a Dadism ?
Let's take a look at this youtube explaining Dada . I must mention Tristan Tzara was one of the key figures in the Dada movement.. He was a playwright , actor , poet , performance artist, Journalist he was also instrumental in the the evolution of Dada to Surrealism.

 Man Ray

 I fell in art geek love with Manray for the mere fact he was an innovator. Though we are talking Dada in this post. He was a key contributor to many movements in art surrealism, cubism to name a couple . Extremely multi dimensional in he his depth as an artist. He is mostly recognized for his photography. Which even today the most accomplished tech savvy photographers are in awe of his work. Did you know that he invented Solarization .

  "Together with Lee Miller, who was his photography assistant and lover, Man Ray reinvented the photographic technique of solarization. He also created a technique using photograms he called rayographs, which he described as "pure dadaism". "

 Over the course of his lifetime Manray had many lovers. There is one that is in my eyes the most iconic. Kiki Montaparse ( Alice Prin) She became the subject of some of his most famous photographic images and starred in his experimental films. There love affair would only last through the twenties though it produced some amazing art.  Lets take a look at this passionate collaboration of a Dada artist and his muse Kiki ( I must add got to love a man who appreciates curves.)

* There is nudity in this video*

 This was a very brief look at Dada its a prime example of how out of ciaos sometimes things of great beauty are created. I know if you look at pieces from the movement they are shocking dark thought evoking. I think it would be fascinating to sit down in 1920's Paris have coffee talk about the movement. People desperate for change in a world that had gone mad. Use there creative artistic souls to incite change. I think even today we can relate to that. So now that you know about Dada. Makes me wonder what art movement will be born in our time?
If you were to time travel to witness an artistic movement. Which one would you visit ?

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