Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Makeup Karma

This was a good hair karma day

Well after having a Twillight Zone type dream last night. I woke up not knowing that today I'd experience some bad makeup / hair karma. Commonly know as the dreaded bad hair/ makeup day. Even with Mcgyver type skills it can't be avoided.  I put on the coffee and feed the starving kitty ( we all know he isnt starving, He acts like it though)

 I took my shower the night before laying down the ground work I flat ironed my hair. My plan was to clean up any loose ends and be done. This was going according to plan. I primed my face went to make my waffles . After eating my breakfast I returned dressed and ready to get my makeup on. I applied the shadow then the liquid liner. My kohl liner on the lower lash line. The pencil was low I applied it briskly. My eyes stared to burn so I flushed them out. Eye makeup streamed down my face looking like a black streaky mess.

Id say it felt like this 

With puffy eyes I decided to clean up my face and hit my eyes with eyeliner later on . I got to work my eyeliner pens refill was gone. I kept clicking it hoping some product would emerge. I noticed that my hair was a puff ball from the damp morning. At that moment I decided to just laugh and get over myself. Anything I could have done to fix it was in vain. I looked on the bright side of things. You ever have bad hair/makeup karma ?


  1. Tray

    Your new haircut looks good. I had to laugh when reading this. I burned my forehead with a flat iron last week. I just have this line on my face. It's fading now but people keep asking me what happened. The price of beauty lol


  2. hahahaha this post cracked me up! I feel like that some days too, bad hair and makeup days make me want to stay home from work! Your kitty is adorable btw, love that he's in your sink!! xoxo
