Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wax On , Wax Off Ouch!

Its that time of year when we make the preparations to head to the spa , for the dreaded bikini wax . Most women go native for the winter . Im going to give you a couple of tips to help you get through your first or next waxing .You should use these in prep for any waxing be it to face , pits , legs or down there . Can't lie it hurts but this will make it a little better .

Menstral Cycle :
  • Avoid waxing a couple days before and during ,
  • Your skin is more sensitive and pain may be more intense.
  • Redness may stay a little longer .

Efoiliate :
  • Even Though exfoliation can help in the process doing it too soon before service can , burn and harm skin .
  • Only 24-hours before and after is recomended .
Cosmetics :
  • Try to remove all cosmetics when getting a facial wax

Trim :
  • Trim hair in bikini area to a quater of an inch prior . It helps the esthetician get clean lines .

Communicate :
  • Talk to your esthetician . somtimes a another type of wax such as a creme wax or hard wax with no strips may be less harsh to you 
  •  .Keeping an open line of communacation is key .
  • Discuss any skin sensitivity issues or contraindications .
  • Follow the after wax care .

Baby Oil :
  • Removes Most Wax . So if you are doing it your self , or find some stray wax after ( which is not acceptable and you should never ) If you do this can help.

Moisturizers :
  • After help calm your skin , I've found tea tree oil to be very good .

  • It dosent take very long . Breath and scream if you like , freak out the person ahead of you . No be nice but if you need too scream

 NOTE : make sure the place you get , your service . Is up to date with state licences . Follows good sanitation.

Speaking of Screaming

Creative Commons License
Pop Trash Beauty by Tracey J Whitney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at


  1. Great post. I've had many Brazilian Waxings. Oh. My. GOOOOOOOOOODNESS, it's painful.

    Who said Beauty wasn't pain never had a BW.

    Like your style. Following.

  2. Thanks so much ! So happy to have you following welcome. Ouch BW's hurt ALLOT Lol I cried lol
