Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Meghan Tonjes Body Image Warrior ( Hate The Donut, Not The Fatty.)

Honestly ! I couldn't agree more with Tonjes. This is exactly what it is like to be overweight in this world. Amen Lady ! You must absolutely love your self as you are now. What I've learned in my older mindset. Is that no matter what your body type you deserve love, happiness and acceptance. This is an excellent way to open up the dialogue.

"If I were 120 pounds eating a pizza in my underwear on Tumblr, I would be 'quirky' and 'cute' and 'real.' But if I'm 300 pounds and eating pizza in my underwear, people are gonna be like: 'You're killing yourself,' 'You're disgusting,' 'You're everything that's wrong with America!'" she said in her video. 

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely true YES I just recently lost a ton of weight for health reasons but it was only partly due to the extra weight I was carrying and partly due to genetics. My sister who weighs 100lbs wet LOL on allot of meds so weight has nothing to do with being healthy. Loving and taking care of yourself whatever your body image makes for a confident strong beautiful woman!! Great article :)
