Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Modern Spinster Series #1

This is a 5 part series talking about spinsterhood in the modern age. We number in the millions yet noone talks about us. Sex in the City was very glamourous version. There are lots of sterotypes perpetiating the oldmaid aspect of the lifestyle. Most of the spinsters I know spin records, travel and even if you dare to think it are happy. We aren't as tragically portrayed in novels of Jane Austen's time sent off to be a governess . 

 It's good to keep in mind that being a spinster isn't a permanent thing. You can learn a lot during this single time. One thing I've learned is that life suprises you when you least expect it . 

So let's look at a few Sisters of the Spinsterhood

Jane Austen 
Coco Chanel 
Queen Latifia 
Oprah Winfrey 
Diane Keaton 
Lucy Lui 

Even in my 20s as I was baraged with wedding showers and engagement annoucements , of my nearest and dearest. I thought that this rite of passage would soon find me. No one likes to talk about it when it doesn't happen. I got a cat just one mind you .

Though I am a curvy girl that has never stopped me from getting out there. Sometimes it's really hard to go to an event by yourself . Though I will tell you it's better to take the risk , rather then sit home wondering . " What if I went " 
In the mean time we have been given this beautiful thing called a life. ( I truly want to break into song , singing Prince's Lets Go Crazy ) I'd originally written a very long wordy inspirational speech. Though I think it will be short and sweet kicking things off.  Here at PTB we will take a look at what is truly like to be a modern spinster. I hope we all learn a lot . Most important just know you're not alone . 

1 comment:

  1. A few things I'd like to say about marriage: it is, more than anything, a construct. It has been idealized and romanticized over thousands of years and as such, it unfairly places a lot of pressure and expectation on people. Especially women. More than anything, marriage is hard work. It entails a partial surrendering of yourself in order to make things work. I think that goes against human nature and is ultimately unfair to ask of anybody. Don't get me wrong, it can be beautiful and great things can come of it. But when it goes wrong, it REALLY goes wrong. Few pains are greater. I think there's a reason the divorce rate is at 50% and it has to do with living up to someone else's expectations rather than your own. It bothers me that people who never marry or who have not married by a whatever arbitrary age are sometimes treated as failures. They're not. As your list shows, they may be people with unique things to offer and they have no patience to play society's game.
    Nothing wrong with that. Marriage is also glamorized to support entire industries but that's a whole other can of tuna. :)
