Friday, December 6, 2013

500,000 Young girls asking: "Am I pretty or Ugly?"

This video I watched on Upworthy I have to say that it broke my heart. You are all beautiful young ladies. Beauty isn't something you see on television or in the magazines. Beauty radiates from the heart projects out into the world. No one can live up to the standards that are out in our culture. I encourage women everywhere to know and embrace this. Look in the mirror say to yourself " I am beautiful as. I am now" The middle school and High School years will do a number on your self esteem. Know that this is a very short time in your life those who put you down do it out of there own insecurities.  I'm not a parent but one thing I know for certain is that all of us need to wrap our arms around our children tell them how beautiful they are. This goes for your boys as well they too feel this pressure in society. Often when I write about real beauty it boogles my mind that there even has to be a movement. We have Photoshoped and celebrity worshiped to an obsessive point creating a monster.  The monster is attacking us and our children when is it enough. My heart goes out every girl out there struggling with insecurity, doubt , sadness. Remember to just shine brightly in this world. When you shine it blinds out the darkness.

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