Thursday, January 10, 2013

Beauty without Makeup Discussion ( Huffington Post Video )

I really like this discussion on the Huffington Post Live ( I'm addicted to Huffington Post right now ) I really like what they had to say about makeup being a tool to give you confidence. Do you go out without makeup ? Do you ever find yourself limiting your self because you don't look a certain way? I love this discussion so much having a man chime in is wonderful.

My makeup wearing habits very. Id like to say my morning routine as of recent is too wash my face put moisturizer on. I wear a tinted lip balm and mascara.  I just try to look well groomed that I did something. In all honesty with being unemployed I have to watch the product usage right now. I actually enjoy it more then the work makeup process.

 One of the reasons I write about beauty is too empower you to try new things. Not to feed into this unrealistic image that the media has made up. Confidence is better then any beauty product in my mind.

 I spent too much time comparing myself as I younger comparing myself to my friends. Christina Huffington made reference to "Compare and Dis pare" in this video.  I was always a curvy girl so I always felt different. I would never feel as pretty and would wonder how they would ever hang out with me. Id try so hard but I never thought that I looked normal. Spend hours in front of the mirror thinking " Why can't I get it right " . I look at pictures of myself now from that time. I say " man I was cute what was my problem ? " I found liberation in my late 20's that I was just me. I looked as makeup as a tool. Started to let myself have fun with instead of it being a pressure it was liberating. Especially after studying professional makeup artistry. It just boils down to something I learned this spring " Love yourself , As you are now" I say it every morning even when I don't want to look in the mirror . I hope you enjoy the discussion tell me what you think.

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