Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Random Life Post : Edge of Middle Age

I've been thinking a lot about the life , I'm livings. I've survived the depths of depression emerging back into a world . That I don't understand entirely , in the same token doesn't understand me. I watch young people struggling to grow up and aspire to this ideal. In which you are measured by beauty, wealth and success. I'm here to tell you the ideal will mess you up , more than not achieving it. Make your own ideal. Never stop dreaming, creating and loving. When others say you can't do it . Go ahead and at least give it a shot. As I approach 40 years old I'll tell you the only thing I regret is just that not giving it a go. Life will never ever be perfect , though it's a gift everyday your given is beautiful. The next chapter of my life is a mystery to me though I know that no ideal will define me. I will make mistakes though I will have the courage to move past them and learn. don't chase people , those who are meant to be in your life will show up. As you change , grow and evolve this might make people uncomfortable. They have you filed in there head as a certain label. When you grow expect some will leave. That's just fine, keep changing and growing . "
I wrote this a month before I turned 40"